ICC commissions are specialised working bodies composed of business experts who examine major issues of interest to the business world. They prepare policy products, including statements to contribute to intergovernmental discussions, as well as rules and codes to facilitate international business transactions. Commission leaders are appointed by the ICC Chair for a three-year period, renewable for a second term at the Chair’s discretion.
Arbitration and ADR

The commission is a unique think tank and rule-making body for ICC Dispute Resolution Services. In its research capacity, the commission proposes new policies and tools by producing reports, guidelines or best practices to innovate and promote efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution in view of current developments. Together with the ICC Court and the ICC Centre for ADR it also drafts and revises the ICC’s range of rules for dispute resolution, including the ICC Rules of Arbitration and the ICC Rules of Mediation.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipadr
Commission mandate
To serve as a global forum and rule-making body for banks worldwide, with particular focus on the financing of international trade; and to help policymakers and standard setters create a regulatory framework that facilitates trade finance throughout the world.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipbanking
Commercial Law and Practice
Commission mandate
To set global business standards for international B2B transactions and provide world business input on commercial rules developed by intergovernmental organisations.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipCLP
Commission mandate
To ensure that business needs and markets are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of competition laws and policies.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#Leadercompetition
Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption
Commission mandate
To develop policy recommendations and practical tools from a global business perspective on corporate responsibility and fighting corruption.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipCRandanticorruption
Customs and Trade Facilitation
Commission mandate
To promote simplified customs and transport policies and procedures as well as other measures to facilitate international trade.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipcustomsandTF
Digital Economy
Commission mandate
To promote the global development of the digital economy and continued growth of its underlying information and communication technologies (ICTs) and related business models, through private sector policy leadership, regulatory advocacy and the promotion of best practice.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipdigitaleconomy
Environment and Energy
Commission mandate
To develop policy recommendations and tools to address major global environmental and energy issues, including climate change and green economy within the framework of sustainable development, and make a substantive contribution to key intergovernmental discussions in these areas.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadshipenvirandenergy
Marketing and Advertising
Commission mandate
To promote high ethical standards in marketing by business self-regulation through the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications Practice and formulate world business positions and initiatives to address government actions that affect marketing and consumer protection.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipMKTandAD
Intellectual Property
Commission mandate
The commission serves as a global forum on all aspects of intellectual property and innovation policies, helping ICC represent the voice of business before policymakers and key institutions. The commission has a particular focus on promoting IP as a positive force for society, and helping businesses make better use of IP systems.
The commission’s flagship publication, the ICC intellectual Property Roadmap, is updated periodically and translated into several languages.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadership-IP
Commission mandate
To promote transparent and non-discriminatory treatment of foreign investments and earnings that eliminates tax obstacles to cross-border trade and investment.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershipTaxation
Trade and Investment Policy
Commission mandate
To promote cross-border trade and investment by business and an open global economy to foster job creation, sustainable development, and improve living standards.
For further details: https://iccwbo.org/leadership/#leadershiptradeandivest
ICC India Representatives on ICC Policy Commissions
Arbitration and ADR
- Mr Ajay Thomas
- Mr Amar Gupta
- Mr Ciccu Mukhopadhaya
- Ms Gauri Rasgotra
- Mr Kunal Vajani
- Mr Naresh Thacker
- Ms Pallavi Shroff
- Mr Rajendra Barot
- Mr Sameer Jain
- Mr Sanjeev Kapoor
- Mr Shashank Garg
- Mr Tejas Karia
- Mr Zulfiquar M Memon
- Mr Ashwani Sindhwani
- Mr Kishor Pradhan
- Mr Munindra Verma
- Ms Nandini Bhattacharyya
- Mr Parameswaran Krishnan
- Mr R V Balasubramani
- Mr Rajay Kumar Sinha
- Mr Swaminathan Janakiraman
- Mr Zuzar Tinwalla
Commercial Law and Practice
- Ms Pallavi Shroff
- Mr R K Sanghi
- Mr Suman Jyoti Khaitan
- Ms Pallavi Shroff
- Mr R V Kanoria
Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption
- Mr Mohinder Verma
Digital Economy
- Mr Amar Gupta
- Mr K Mohan Raidu
Environment and Energy
- Mr Prashant Modi
Intellectual Property
- Mr Ganapathy Narayanan (Indian Regional Ambassador)
- Dr Sudhir Raja Ravindran
- Mr Mukesh Butani (Vice Chair of the Commission)
- Mr Rashi Dhir
Trade and Investment Policy
- Mr Dhruv Bhalla
- Mr Jawahar Vadivelu
- Mr R V Kanoria
- Mr Raghu Mody
- Mr Suresh A Kotak
- Mr Vikramjit Singh Sahney