ICC INDIA Selection Committee

for Arbitrators

The Selection Committee for Arbitrators (“SCA”) was constituted to nominate arbitrators upon the request of the ICC Court. The Members of the SCA will lay emphasis on selecting subject matter experts and bring diversity in the background of arbitrators selected. The members of the SCA, as long as they are on the committee, cannot nominate themselves as arbitrators and may rotate every two (2) years. The members of the SCA are as under:

  • Mr. Ciccu Mukhopadhaya, Former Vice President, ICC Court and Senior Advocate, New Delhi
  • Mr. Amar Gupta, Court Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Partner, JSA, New Delhi
  • Ms. Payel Chatterjee, Alternate Court Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Partner, Trilegal, Mumbai
  • Mr Imran Khan, Executive Director, ICC India, New Delhi